Lidia Szczepanowski, Esq. is a sought-after speaker who has addressed thousands of individuals throughout the United States at corporate training programs, conferences and conventions, college events, government agencies, non-profit organizations, schools and other forums. Her one-of-a-kind personalized educational and motivational presentations are high energy, practical and inspiring every time she speaks.
Topics include:
- Safety Awareness (“Stylish Safety® Women’s Safety Awareness and Personal Protection Seminars”)
- Legal (Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Corporate and Commercial Governance, General Legal Topics and Issues)
- Pageantry (Interview Coaching; Building Confidence)
- Motivational/Personal Fulfillment (Balanced Living; Positive Attitude; Leadership; Self-Motivation; Fitness; Health and Beauty)
- Business Development/Marketing (Building Professional Credibility, Strategic Networking, Perception Management and more)
Lidia is also available as a Web TV and Radio Host, Event Emcee, Interviewer, and Moderator.
Some Testimonials…
To whom it may concern:“Thank you so much for your moving and enthusiastic keynote address at our Women and Wellness event! You were a dynamic speaker and captured everyone’s attention and held it until your final words. All those who attended our Women and Wellness event left feeling empowered, inspired and ready to take on the world and I thank you for providing them with such inspiration. Thank you for your honesty and all the information you provided to our alumnae on how to make the most out of every facet of their lives.”
– St. John’s University Office of Alumni Relations
Over the past several years our law firm has presented a number of educational seminars for our staff. We have hired a variety of lecturers in order to expose our staff to contemporary issues relating to health and wellness, motivation, productivity, and self improvement, among others.
Recently, our firm hired Lidia Szczepanowski, Esq., to give two (2) one hour “learning lunch” presentations to our female attorneys and support staff relative to Women’s Personal Safety Awareness. As the office manager of Farrell Fritz, P.C., I had the good fortune of attending the seminar.
Lidia and her “Stylish Safety” presentations were exceptionally informative and more importantly, eye opening. All who attended agreed that the information relayed by Ms. Szczepanowski was certainly a “wake up call”. We all heard the staggering statistics with regard to the number of crimes being perpetrated against women every year and we learned that the key to personal safety is education and awareness. The safety principles, tips, tactics, and maneuvers taught by Lidia were easy to remember and the information imparted at the seminar empowered the female staff of our firm. This ultimately helped to boost our staff’s confidence level which in turn served to actually improve focus and productivity.
In closing, on behalf of the partners, associates and staff at Farrell Fritz, P.C., our office highly recommends “Stylish Safety” Women’s Personal Safety Awareness Seminars for any business, organization or educational institution. All women need to be exposed to confident and intelligent women like Lidia who share such a powerful message while educating women about a very important topic. Very truly yours,

For additional program information, availability or fees, please send email to Info@EverythingLidia.com or call (631) 213-2006.